Terms of use

1. General conditions regarding information solutions and information services

The General Terms and Conditions of Halcom d.d. regarding information solutions and information services define the rights and obligations of the contractor or supplier Halcom d.d. and the customer or subscriber in relation to electronic banking information solutions and information services for the installation, maintenance and support of these solutions.

2. General conditions for ensuring compliance with information solutions and services

The General Terms and Conditions of Halcom d.d. define the terms of partnership and the rights and obligations of the contractor, supplier or other partner and the client Halcom d.d. in relation to data protection, the coherence of processes and solutions and other areas of compliance.

3. General conditions for ensuring compliance for partners

The General Terms and Conditions of Halcom d.d. define the conditions of partnership cooperation and the rights and obligations of the contractor, supplier or other partner and the client in relation to data protection, compliance of processes and solutions and other areas of compliance.

More about Terms of use